I haven't posted in a while because I'm too pregnant to live. Between trying to not lose my job, keep my house neat enough to at least not qualify for an episode of Hoarders, taking care of the world's most awesome 2 year old, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a husband and myself, blogging basically didn't exist..... but you forgive me, you know you do.
So Fun With Labor officially got off to a start on Wednesday. Baby Girl #2 is due on 1/26, but all signs point to her intention to make her debut earlier. There's been a nasty stomach flu working its way through the kids at school and they were kind enough to share it. While I managed to avoid the cataclysmic puking episodes, the other symptom led to me getting fairly dehydrated. So dehydrated in fact, that it made my blood pressure go bonkers which in turn started me having some irregular but strong contractions. My blood pressure usually hovers around the 115/75 range, so seeing numbers like 140/110 was scary. On Thursday at work I just felt "off" and emailed my OB who asked if I could get my BP checked at school or if I could run over to their local office and have it checked. Our public health nurse who is one of those old-school nurses who know everything about everything took one look at me and said "Oh honey, you need to go home" before she even checked my BP. So once she got that scary number, I was sent packing to the OB who sent me to the hospital for monitoring, blood work and fluids.
Luckily all the bloodwork came back negative for anything scary, and after a couple of hours of fluids the contractions tapered off and I felt much better. But I still got sent home on bed rest and OB said she'd be surprised if I was still pregnant by the end of next week. On Friday I enjoyed having a day of rest, to be honest, and today I've been uncomfortable and just trying to keep the stress down so I don't ratchet up the bp again.
But of course, my mother can't allow that. Oh no. For some reason the woman has decided that me having children is somehow all about her. Yesterday I was accused of having had the baby and not telling her. Today I have enjoyed her standard passive-aggressive emails about how "inconvenient" it is for me not to answer her phone calls to make me decribe everything my 2 year old has done or said in the last 48 hours. Inconvenient. INCONVENIENT. Why do I have to make anything about my life convenient for you, Mother? Why is the birth of my child something that should revolve around you and what's easy for YOU?!? I don't see a single reason why it should, so therefore it's not going to. You are not the only grandmother on earth whose grandchildren live out of driving distance. I am not under any OBLIGATION to make travel plans for you. You're a big girl. As my dear friend would say, scratch your mad place and get glad.
Luckily my husband has risen to the occasion and will be informing her that I will not be talking to or answering text messages from her or anyone else until after the baby is born and if she wants updates on anything, she will have to embrace the "inconvenience" of calling him instead.