Thursday, August 25, 2011

OK, so now I post something, right?

I'm sarcastic.  Bitingly at times.  You ought to know that before continuing to read anything I write.  I also have a Husband.  He's great at times, but sometimes he's utterly lousy and I'd like to clobber him with a blunt object.  We have a toddler, The Squirt, who is nearly two and she has a sibling currently baking, timer set for late January of 2012.
We also have dogs.  2 of them.  I like them. I actually like most things, despite the sarcasm.  I find that sarcasm makes things more likable.

1 comment:

  1. Well, of course. If the object receiving the sarcasm can't take it, they go away. That's a win and makes your life ever so much more pleasant.
