Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Do I appear to have an abundance of time?

This week has already been an experiment in survival and it's only Wednesday.

  In addition to a very nice field trip which some aggravating parent decisions rendered stressful for me, my kid is sick.  She never gets sick.  In her nearly 2 years of life, she's had a round of antibiotics exactly once. Therefore it's hard to know what to do to make her feel better because we've had to do it so rarely.

  And did I mention I'm 27 weeks pregnant?  If you've never done that, it's not so fun.  This is the point where things start getting uncomfortable.  I can't move or bend like I would like to, I can't hold my kid in certain ways, I have ver little lap for her and Gus to share. And since it's the second go around things that weren't such a bother last time like round ligament pain and Braxton Hicks contractions really seriously hurt and suck schweddy monkey balls.

   And the husband has the creeping crud and is even less helpful around tha house than usual which means that instead of contributing in very minor ways to cleaning up his own messes, he's leaving them and making them bigger than ever.  Why does he need to keep 4 pairs of dirty socks on the couch?  Why?

   Then today my to-do list at work grew by leaps and bounds, mostly from being voluntold to do various things.  When people schedule things for me to attend or incorporate into my own overfull schedule, I get cranky.  I was stuck in a meeting having the same conversation about the same aspect of curriculum that I've now had at least 5 times.  I'm not sure if TPTB think that the learning curve on this particular math program is that steep or if they are just trying to find some way to fill our time other than letting us use it to accomplish some of the million things they want us to do during the day without actually allocating the time that accomplishing them requires.  Thanks for that.

  The Squirt has poison ivy.  I didn't even know what poison ivy looked like.  I've never gotten it and am pretty sure I'm immune to it.  I KNOW I've come into contact with it many times but never had a rash or anything.  The Husband is the same way.  So then last night we noticed a couple of little red bumps on The Squirt that we first dismissed as bug bites because she loves to play outside right now.  Then tonight when she requested bathtime and got nekkid, we noticed that her 3 or 4 spots had turned into 10-12.  So, knowing her Papa has some sort of rash situation going on that his regular doctor couldn't identify but was supposed to be seen by a dermatologist today, we called to find out what his diagnosis is, and bingo, poison ivy. So thank goodness for Uncle Mike in Georgia who is hyper allergic to it and was able to confirm for us that the poor kid is indeed itchy and miserable.... and despite not inheriting her Mommy and Daddy's resistance to poison ivy, she did inherit her daddy's odd reaction to benadryl, meaning the medicine that should make her comfortable, less itchy and sleepy renders her hyper as a loon.

   Mommy needs a break, people.  And a burrito.  And probably some cookie dough ice cream.

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