Saturday, October 8, 2011

I love Cooking Shows

I do not craft.  I don't have a glue gun, decorative paper, string, yarn, knitting needles, scrapbooking crap, etc..... As a matter of fact, simply facing the act of having to sew a button back onto an article of clothing is daunting.  It makes my hands sweat, so when I inevitably prick my finger with the needle, it is literally rubbing salt into a wound.  But I firmly believe everyone needs a hobby of some sort and since bank robbery is illegal and being intensely sarcastic really only benefits ME and nobody else, I cook.

Around the time that the Husband and I moved to VA, I really started to get into cooking.  I liked the feeling of conquering something that the average cook or even the slightly better than average cooks in my family found daunting.  Things like pastry, Julia Child's Boef Bourganion, things involving mascarpone cheese and wine. 

Then when I was pregnant with Lily, I developed a mild fixation with The Food Network.  Particularly Giada de Laurentiis' shows and The Barefoot Contessa.  However, I have come to the conclusion that I have surpassed them as a television chef, and in light of the fact that I will probably not get a reality show where I get to just make pithy comments about things, perhaps my road to fame lies in a television kitchen.

How have I surpassed them?  Well, let's see.... I embrace forms of lettuce other than arugula.  I believe you can flavor foods with things other than lemon zest, lemon juice and/or garlic.

And from what I can tell, many television cooks have decided that Lemon, Garlic and Arugula are some sort of Holy Trifecta of Cooking.   Personally, my Holy Trifecta would probably be more like WINE, WINE and WINE.  And that right there makes me win.


  1. I believe your sarcasm benefits me.

  2. I agree with Robyn-your sarcasm is a national treasure.

  3. btw-isn't it time to change your bio? Don't you now have a "kid and 3/4"? Just wondering. :)
