Saturday, October 29, 2011

Maybe it's just the hormones

Maybe I'm just a gigantic wad of hormones, but I am completely in love with my little girl here lately.  Let me count the ways....

Now that she's a talker, the things that come out of her mouth could get her a gig at the Funnybone.  In addition to being precocious, she's also got an absurd vocabulary for a 2 year old (genetics, probably).  Listening to her make connections to things and talk about it just warms the cold cockles of my heart.  For example, at the doctor's office, there's a picture of a bunch of fairy tale critters in one of the room, and listening to her name them "Issa DRAGON!  Issa fairy!" is amazing.  Where does a 2 year old learn to identify a dragon?  And how freaking awesome is that?  She also commands your attention before she tells you something, much like someone doing a communication exercise for some sort of cult.  Before she tells anyone anything, she says their name, quite forcefully, and makes sure they're paying attention because what she's about to tell you is super important.  For example:

"Yes baby?"
"Dada gotta pee butt?"
"No, I don't think Dada has a pee butt.  Dada doesn't wear a diaper anymore."
"Mama gotta pee butt?"
"No, Mama goes pee pee in the potty.  Do you want to pee pee in the potty?"

  I take her to the sitter's house most mornings and it's our special time to talk about things.  Sometimes we talk, sometimes we sing, sometimes we both look morose because it's 7:30 and we've been awake too long with too many things to do already.  But the singing is usually my favorite, except for when we have to do the Oratorio of Old McDonald, where I have to sing it as she names the animal noise she'd like included in this verse.  "A cow?" "A horse?" "A giraffe?"

But my favorite is when she plays pretend.  She has several little plush toys of characters from Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba that she loves, and if you watch her carefully, she will make them pattycake or do the Itsy Bitsy Spider.....She'll have Elmo's hands in hers, making him do the motions while she sings:

Thaaaa ippy 'pider climbin' dere,
Down a rain an WASH it out!
Out a sun an dry a rain,
Anna ippy 'pider climb again!

Yeah, I may miss sleeping.  I miss doing my laundry and letting the husband fend for himself.  I miss having time to spoil my dogs. I miss not having to consider "toddler friendly" options for eating out and planning meals....I miss only having to clean up after my slob of a husband.  But when I open a little girl's bedroom door in the morning and a tiny little thing in footed piggy jammies squeals and comes running to hug my legs and say "HI MAMA!  I gotta BOOK!" then the rest of it kind of goes away.

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